
Heat transition

Transition thermique


Order form download

Prices 01/2023, PC program, operating systems MS-WINDOWS 11, 10, 8, 7
By: f-soft, Dipl.-Ing. J.Fritsche & Sohn
Sale + Hotline: Joachim Fritsche (sen.), Landstr. 51, D-56218 Muelheim-Kaerlich
FON +49(0)2630-8286, FAX +49(0)2630–6251 http://www.f-soft.com, jfritsch@rz-online.de
Programming: Lutz Fritsche, Rüdigheimer Weg 16, D-63526 Erlensee, FON +49(0)6183 7201410, lutz.fritsche@t-online.de
1. M i n i - version stationary Heat Transition "WDurch6", no Upgrade
with 4 rows, without material file. If you buy a standard
version later, the price of the MINI-versions will be subtracted,
except a using fee of 60 €/year
2. Standard - version stationary Heat Transition "WDurch6"
with 20 rows, with material administration,
following "Technical Description", chapter 4: "Technical Overview..."
One license is valid for 3 users in one departure,
also in a home office and visiting a customer.
For further user and departments you call above: "Paper Order output"
File "WLDemo" with 30 materials, extensible unlimited and changeable
3. File„WLong“with more than 1600 fireproof and insulating materials
extensible and changeable (to the standard version)
divided by more than 90 multi-lingual headlines
(The price of the file is once also for more user)
4. E x t e n s i o n to the standard version “WDurch“    
4.1 Loss of temperature in a simple vessel [°C/h]
as a rectangular or cylindrical figure (stationary)
e.g. steel ladle with cover, waste gas channel or conduction
(The price of the file is once also for more user)
German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese
Bosnian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch
Finnish, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Russian
Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Slovenian, Swedish
  Hotline: Cost-free and unlimited
Delivery: After prepay of our Pro form Invoice (without discount)
Bank codes: BIC: GENODED1BNA
IBAN:  DE16 5776 1591 7132 4619 00 (Volksbank RheinAhrEifel)

Condition: Free of German tax (VAT) in foreign countries
European VAT REG N°: DE201365578
(insert only Company: Fritsche & Sohn)
European Merchandise-N° (INTRASTAT or INSTAT)
for a data carrier with storage: 85 24 99 10
If you will give us an order, you call above: "Paper Order output".
On this paper you will find also the prices of later upgrades (on special order, no automatic)
After the payment I will send you a new version of the program by Stick,
at first it is a DEMO.
Thereto I will add a license file on a second stick, it turns the DEMO into a run able version.

If you ask for an individual offer, you fill:
With * marked dates are obligatory
²) Your email address for communicating with f-soft will not be passed on to third parties
Company/name* Contact person
Street / Post OB. Postcode / City*
Telephone Country
E-Mail ²) Homepage

Print: Pricelist/general offer